Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
I don’t know about you, but I am drawn to light. I’d prefer a well-lit room, love seeing the sunshine, and like bright, vibrant colors. I don’t like dark places. Too many clouds for a long period of time makes me feel depressed. Dark, dull colors are pointless to me most of the time, and I’m always looking to lighten or brighten a photo.
I love writing and have since I got my first diary at age six. I also love reading, but not as much as writing. Both activities require light. Can I do either in a dark room with my flashlight or book light? Sure. Can I do these things in a dimly lit room on a cloudy day? Of course. Do I read, comprehend, learn, and write at my optimal performance in either of those environments? Absolutely not. Send me outside on a bright, sunny day with my journal and my favorite pen, and life changes. My ideas, thoughts, and dreams explode into something more beautiful than I could have imagined indoors with artificial lighting.
God’s word is light to our lives. It lets us see clearly so that we can follow him with a pure heart. When I miss a day of studying His word or if I put trust in the world instead of Him, darkness covers my life very quickly.
Thankful for this week of drawing near to Him through His word.
@hopewriters challenge/ Day 2: LIGHT #hopewriterlife