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Christine Goodsell’s blog

The Fourth Grade Faith Test

Final day of fourth grade with a teacher I will forever look up to.

I was 9 years old on my way home from school. It was one of those fun, but tiring days in 4th grade. The sun was shining. I had done well on my math test, and recess was super fun that day. The fitness test would be happening soon in PE, and I was so excited.

However, not everything had gone well in fourth grade that day. It was Bible class. It was usually my favorite, but lately, while I was finding myself completely engaged in the Bible lesson and learning how to think deeply, something in my heart was stirring that didn’t feel good. 

I had the sweetest fourth grade teacher. She could calm a noisy classroom of students with a whisper. She was gentle, and she smiled often. She was patient, and it didn’t matter how long it took you to answer a question after raising your hand. She waited. The best part? She loved loved LOVED Jesus. Like this lady would smile the most often when she would speak of him. She made Bible class come alive. I just loved it. 

Timing, waiting, and tea

About six years ago, I found the tiny porcelain tea set that I had been given as a child. It brought back so many wonderful memories. My sister and I would dress up, have our stuffed animals play along, and if we were lucky, our little brothers would join. We usually had water in the tiny cups, but once in awhile, Mom would make us tea and let us have cream and sugar. Those times were so special! As an adult, I still liked tea, but any hot drink was a good way to relax and just take time to be still.

When I pulled the tea set out of the old box, I found myself wishing I had a real tea set. Oddly though, I felt the strong urge to hold off—to not buy one right now. It seemed strange, but I decided to wait. I wrapped up each cup, saucer, and the tiny pot, and put them back into the box.

What’s the weather?

These colorful parts of nature seem to be God’s gentle reminder that He is good and He is faithful, no matter what the weather of our lives’ is like. “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” -Lamentations 3:22-23  

“What’s the weather like?” Isn’t this a common question we think, ask, or hear on a very regular basis? The weather seems to guide many things throughout our day—what outfit to wear, whether or not a coat is needed, and what activities will happen.

At preschool, one of our class jobs is the Weather Checker. During circle time, whoever is privileged with this task typically jumps up, dashes to the window, and within seconds, says one of the following: sunny, cloudy, rainy, or snowy. The class then gets out their suns, clouds, raindrops, or snowflakes, and we begin to sing the weather song. 

Very often, a debate arises while checking the weather. Is it sunny or is it cloudy? Many days, the weather checker can see both the sun and the clouds. Which is it? Some declare it a cloudy day while squinting into the sunshine. Some declare it a sunny day while smiling at the dark, ominous clouds. While it can be a rather humorous debate at times, I’ve seen that the answer always lies in the child’s perspective and what’s in his or her heart that morning.  

The unlocking of the diary and the silver key

A word after a word after a word is power.” -Margaret Atwood

There once was a little brunette girl who was sitting at the kitchen table with her grandmother. On the table sat a Lisa Frank, purple and pink diary with a silver key. There was a new shiny pen, part of a seventh year birthday present, that rested next to the book. Neither the diary nor the pen had been touched, but that was about to change. 

A Day to Remember (10/7)

On 10/7, it was assumed you couldn’t be here, but God had other plans.

October 7, 2021 is a day I will never forget. I had just had my 8th kidney stone surgery in a single decade (80+ stones removed and counting), and it was the day we finally had some answers from the doctors.

Some people will remember the days and months leading up to this day. Some will remember how difficult 2021 was for our family, and how the joke was that 2020 covid had nothing on us compared to the following year. My parents, siblings, my husband’s youngest sister, and our close friends were right by our side that year with all the things that seemed to hit. Two more surgeries seemed to be icing on the cake after all that had (and would continue) to go on that year. I will never ask to repeat a year like that, but I will always be so grateful to those who were there for us and prayed.

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