2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!”

It’s 2020. It’s a new year, a new decade. We set new goals, have new beginnings, and have new ideas. It’s a time we typically feel more motivated because we put the past behind us and look ahead. We feel excited and refreshed.

Reflections and Reminders

Reflections from 2019:

  • God is so creative; He also has the best sense of humor
  • Jesus understands deep loss more than we do
  • Reading the entire New Testament in 40 days is a life changer
  • God blesses those who faithfully give to Him
  • God hears and answers those prayers you think He might miss

2019: A Year to Remember

Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

2019 was a year I will never forget. It was a year of change, learning, and renewal. Written are reflections and events from each month this past year. Through it all, the hope of Christ remained constant, for which I am very grateful.


In August of 2015 during my first week of teaching at Cornerstone, a random teacher walked into my classroom. Well, not completely random. I hadn’t officially met her, but we both knew of each other because her dad was my middle school math/computer teacher back at Trinity. Susan walked right into my room, gave me a loud, “Hey! I’m Susan. You’re new, huh?” She sat right down and was intentional about getting to know me. I stopped my (probably frantic) cutting out stuff for my empty bulletin board and sat down with her. I knew she would be a friend already.


We have been jamming out to this song since it released. It’s become our go to for dancing in the kitchen and I bet your family will like it too:

“Family” by Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors:

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