Guitar and multitool

Hearing the Beauty

New year, new strings. I’m embarrassed to say that my guitar hasn’t seen the light of day in a couple years, and I finally decided enough was enough. This past weekend I took out my Leatherman, cut off the old, well worn strings, and then spent time cleaning the guitar and then replacing the strings.

The unlocking of the diary and the silver key

A word after a word after a word is power.” -Margaret Atwood

There once was a little brunette girl who was sitting at the kitchen table with her grandmother. On the table sat a Lisa Frank, purple and pink diary with a silver key. There was a new shiny pen, part of a seventh year birthday present, that rested next to the book. Neither the diary nor the pen had been touched, but that was about to change. 

A Day to Remember (10/7)

On 10/7, it was assumed you couldn’t be here, but God had other plans.

October 7, 2021 is a day I will never forget. I had just had my 8th kidney stone surgery in a single decade (80+ stones removed and counting), and it was the day we finally had some answers from the doctors.

Some people will remember the days and months leading up to this day. Some will remember how difficult 2021 was for our family, and how the joke was that 2020 covid had nothing on us compared to the following year. My parents, siblings, my husband’s youngest sister, and our close friends were right by our side that year with all the things that seemed to hit. Two more surgeries seemed to be icing on the cake after all that had (and would continue) to go on that year. I will never ask to repeat a year like that, but I will always be so grateful to those who were there for us and prayed.

The Due Date

September 13, 2022. September 21, 2020. September 11, 2018. None of these dates are any of my children’s birthdays, however they are still dates I will cherish.

The due dates—the point we are fairly certain that the baby will either be here, or will be here very shortly. It’s the first date that the doctor tells you and what shows up on the ultrasound. It’s the day as mommy’s, daddy’s, grandparents, friends, and people look forward to. It’s what we plan for. And if you’re a planner, an organizer, or a teacher like me, you bust out the colorful pens, doodle in your journal, and make those dates extra flashy on your calendar. 

Summer 2022

“Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” -Psalm 90:2

Relaxing. Beautiful. Unpredictable. Productive. Fun. These five words could capture my summer, but of course, like any other turning point of one season to another, it is time to write.

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