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Christine Goodsell’s blog

Reflections and Reminders

Reflections from 2019:

  • God is so creative; He also has the best sense of humor
  • Jesus understands deep loss more than we do
  • Reading the entire New Testament in 40 days is a life changer
  • God blesses those who faithfully give to Him
  • God hears and answers those prayers you think He might miss

2019: A Year to Remember

Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

2019 was a year I will never forget. It was a year of change, learning, and renewal. Written are reflections and events from each month this past year. Through it all, the hope of Christ remained constant, for which I am very grateful.


In August of 2015 during my first week of teaching at Cornerstone, a random teacher walked into my classroom. Well, not completely random. I hadn’t officially met her, but we both knew of each other because her dad was my middle school math/computer teacher back at Trinity. Susan walked right into my room, gave me a loud, “Hey! I’m Susan. You’re new, huh?” She sat right down and was intentional about getting to know me. I stopped my (probably frantic) cutting out stuff for my empty bulletin board and sat down with her. I knew she would be a friend already.

328 Days as a Mom

Psalm 25:1-2 “Lord, I put my life in your hands. I trust in you, my God…”

Life is so different from a year ago. I remember all of the emotion and excitement going through my head last July. I was weeks away from having a baby, I felt incredibly huge, baby showers were over, and I was just waiting. I didn’t have a classroom to set up, which felt so strange. I walked, I listened to music, I played piano for hours, and I ate nothing but vegetable soup. Would the baby be a boy or girl? Would he or she be healthy? How would the first year go? Would it be as hard as I had heard from my friends with new babies? 

The Best, But Hardest Months

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord  your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” -Deuteronomy 31:6

I never would have imagined the last two months would go as they have. They’ve been joyful, they’ve been painful, they’ve been surprising, and they’ve been exhausting. Through it all, they’ve continuously reminded me of the Lord’s love and faithfulness and that we can do nothing apart from Him. So thankful that He is with us every step of the way.

Our son was born on September 6th, and he is truly our little miracle from the Lord.

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