Hearing the news of Grace University’s closing this morning brought similar emotions that came with the news of Dana’s closing seven years ago. A piece of my heart shattered as I tried to wrap my mind around it again. As a student, I had been devastated. For a few moments, I felt the sadness, confusion, and fear of the unknown that haunted me for a time as a student. As I looked at my students from my desk, I realized that without my school closing, I would not be sitting here as their teacher. I was immediately filled with hope and reminded that God’s plans sometimes are not our own.
I did not attend Grace University, but was blessed to work there for several years and met my husband there. Grace became my new family after losing my own college home on the hill. Some of my fondest memories have been on Grace’s campus.
Current students, faculty, and staff of Grace: I know it’s easier said than done, but you are not without hope. It might not feel like it in the coming days, but God’s plans prevail. Yes, He is closing a door, but He also has incredible plans that only He can see right now. The impact you’ve had in the community and in the world will never be lost and will continue on. Thank you for being faithful through this journey.
My heart hurts tonight for you as you walk through this difficult time, but I am reminded that through this, He is our Joy and Strength. He will never leave you and will continue to use you.