This week we were reminded that God is our protector, our comforter, and our faithful father. We were reminded that he hears our prayers, and we were reminded that He will not give us too much to handle without Him. We were also reminded that unexpected things in life happen, but that He is with us each step of the way. 

A week ago we were anxiously awaiting an MRI, which we hoped would give some more answers about a bump on your head that we’ve been watching for now almost three months. We prayed very specifically that a supposed issue from an ultrasound would become minor or even vanish. We prayed that you would be protected during the scan. God answered with a yes to both of these prayers. The scan went smoothly, and by that evening, you were a little more back to your normal self. Furthermore, the issue they were looking at originally is now considered very minor; according to doctors, it should diminish over time. We are thankful. 

Following your MRI, we got news that we never anticipated. Although we had some good news, we received news of a deeper, different issue. This one, though, is one that cannot be “fixed”. This is a structural issue that at one time caused some bleeding near your brain, and is still in the process of healing.  We didn’t expect that news. Limited testing and monitoring can be done, so it will require more trust and reliance on God from us.

This week has been tough for our family. While we have felt the love of Jesus, our family, and friends, there are unknowns. While we are thankful for some good news, we are anxious about the new findings. We know you are loved even more by Him, and that ultimately you belong to Him.  Your smile, adorable laugh, and your love for life is our reminder that nothing is impossible for God. Happy seven months. We love you so much!