Dear Baby Boy

“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” -Psalm 139:16

Dear Baby,

Last night I went to a journaling class at church and we studied Psalm 139; verse 16 stood out to me, and I constantly thought about God’s miracles of life and of His goodness. We were encouraged to journal on this chapter throughout the week, and I couldn’t think of a better way to do that than to write you a blog. Both of your brothers have a blog post dedicated to them and a snapshot of the pregnancy. Now, it’s your turn!

Storm clouds, baby birds, and promises

It was 7:45 on Monday night. We had a great weekend spending time with family and friends, but we were all tired. The boys were in bed, and I felt like I could fall asleep as well. I glanced outside and saw the beautiful clouds and the soon-to-be sunset. As relaxing as the couch sounded, being outside sounded better. I still had flowers to plant! After a few minutes outside, it started to lightly rain. I looked to the sky—the colors, the movement of clouds, and rain was incredible. The faint thunder and light flash of lightning in the distance just added to the beauty. What better time to plant flowers than during a little storm. The air had cooled off, too!

While walking from the backyard to the front yard with my flower pots, I heard a tiny noise near the bush. Looking down, I saw a tiny baby bird that had likely fallen out of its nest. This little creature wasn’t mature enough to be out of a nest. It only had a feather or two and was opening its little beak in search of food. Where was the mama bird?

115 days—the whole Bible

Some things I learned or was reminded of—the Word of God is absolutely incredible. It is so rich, deep, and intentional for His people. God loves us more than we can imagine. His grace and forgiveness are things I will never be able to wrap my mind around. There are some crazy, terrifying, really messed up world situations in the Bible (and today), but God is faithful no matter what. Heaven will be amazing. I dream about the moment of seeing Jesus face to face and for the day I can ask him my list of questions (of course I have a list)!

April 10, a special day

Seven years ago, my dad took me out to Brother Sebastians for a steak dinner. We had the best time eating lots of food and talking about life. Then we drove around Omaha just for fun, and “practiced” our father/daughter dance for my upcoming wedding. Neither of us are dancers by any means, but we both love instrumental music and song lyrics. “What a Wonderful World” is one of our favorites and the reason we chose that song for the big day. 

That evening was memorable. Dad said that he wanted to take me on one more date and have one final dance before I got married. “Next week, I hand you off after 26 years to the man we’ve prayed for even longer than that,” Dad said. I’ll never forget those words. That meant the world to me. 

A Wacky Wednesday

Not sure how I captured this photo, but thankful I did. At a point of high stress in our day, my simple prayer was, “God, please let the boys smile even for a few moments today.” Within a few minutes, they both stopped crying, crawled into my lap, relaxed, and started giggling while looking at the ceiling. God hears the simplest prayers—I asked for smiles, and He gave us smiles and laughter!

It’s Wednesday. A wacky Wednesday—a day you think you have planned, that starts out peaceful, and then quickly turns into unplanned ups and downs. Nothing atypical for a day with toddlers, but little reminders that life is crazy, and God is faithful! 

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