Author: Zach Goodsell Page 2 of 4


We have been jamming out to this song since it released. It’s become our go to for dancing in the kitchen and I bet your family will like it too:

“Family” by Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors:


A year ago we were anticipating the arrival of our first born child. We weren’t sure if it was going to be a boy or girl, and if I’m honest, there were a lot of things that I was unaware of. Our little boy is now nearly a year old and I can say that everyone is right, it goes by so fast. It seems like yesterday I was holding him in the hospital to let my wife get some rest, and now he is scooting and sliding around our floors, pulling himself up on whatever he can get his hands on.

2018 was in the Books

In 2018 I (finally) caught the reading bug. Reading has always been fun for me, but to be honest I’ve struggled to enjoy it in the past. I’m a slower reader, but I found that when I pushed past that I really enjoyed what I read. Here are the books that I read this year.

In Five Years..

Have you ever been asked the question, what do you want to be doing in five years? I certainly have, and to be honest I have always found that question to be difficult to answer. Somehow the response “working a good job” sounds too vague and yet other responses such as “running my own business” seem too scary.

But what if we framed that question differently. Instead of what do you want to be doing in five years, what if we asked who do you want to be in five years?

I’m 27

27. It is hard to believe that is how many times this planet has revolved around the sun with me on it. This time of year usually leads me into reflecting on the previous twelve months as I seek to become a better person. This year is no different, and through that process I made a list of the things I’ve learned. Some of them took a lot longer than others and several I’m relearning.

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