Author: Zach Goodsell Page 3 of 4

I’m Possible

Are you looking to be inspired; to let your dreams fly and to watch them come to life? This post contains a great video by Jeremy Cowart, professional photographer, and I found it truly inspiring.

Telling a Story

Next week I begin a new chapter in my professional career: teaching a night class at a local university.  The class is on Management Information Systems, and is part a business curriculum at the school.

In the world of business, data is used to create information.  This information tells a story, and informs businesses to make decisions that can help them grow, hire more employees, and start a new marketing campaign.  It all starts with the data.

The Dark Side

In the last 20 days or so, the world has been alerted to an ongoing threat. Terrorism, unfortunately, is still very present in our world, but what can we do?

Over the last few weeks, my wife and I have enjoyed watching through the StarWars movies in Episode Order (1-6). It’s been a great way for us to refresh our memories before the new movie comes out in a month or so. It had been awhile since we had watched them, and I can’t remember a time where I had watched them all in order. We have had a blast laughing at the R2-D2 and C3P0 discussions and quoting our favorite characters. It turns out that my wife knows more StarWars quotes than me (I married up).

190 Days

April 18 – the day I married my best friend and love of my life.  To be honest, the last year or so has just flown by.  It is hard to believe that we have already been married for more than 6 months!  I love my wife more today than I ever have – a trend that I only see continuing in the future.

I could go on and on about how much I love my wife.  And if I did, it wouldn’t mean we’re perfect.  Obviously, we aren’t.  We both have our flaws, but that’s not where it ends.  We have the ability to forgive each other each and every time we mess up.  The strength of our relationship does not come from the perfection of our actions, but the ongoing forgiveness and understanding of each other’s “flaws.”

A Full Heart

2013 has been quite the journey for me.  Just a year ago I was sitting on the beach of Oceanside, California, enjoying a family Christmas vacation.  Although the plans for Disneyland on Christmas day weren’t exactly how I wanted to celebrate the birth of our Lord, the trip as a whole was what I needed.

From events in the past, I had let myself become a bitter and selfish man.  I didn’t always show it, but that’s who I was inside.  I tried to put my best smile on for the day, but in reality I was empty.  Work seemed to drag on, classes and assignments that never end.  I had lost joy, peace, and hope and knew it.

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