Category: Christine’s Blog Page 13 of 15

Christine Goodsell’s blog

Guitars and Pianos in Heaven

Today was the day all students and teachers eagerly wait for beginning in about…October. It was the last day of school before Christmas break. The morning flew by with making Christmas cards for parents, a science test, math test, and band. The students were so excited to come in from recess and prepare for the Christmas party. I told them I would open their presents before the party, and it was so fun to have them sit around as I opened each gift. They put so much thought and love into each one. They really personalized them to me and my love for the little things—ducks, bags, apple cinnamon tea, etc.  One student got me a pretty pen and said, “I know you love to write and if you could, you’d write for hours a day.” True statement. It was then when I realized, “Wow. It has been awhile.” I also looked at my students and remembered how much they pick up on those little things that I say.

Take Me Through What is Needed

“It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you;” -Deuteronomy 31:8

Today in History we talked about God calling Abram out of Ur and into an unknown land. What if God asked you to go through something scary? After discussing the various ways that God can speak to us, I was asked the question, “What’s something God told you recently? And how’d you know it was God?” Caught off guard for a moment, I knew exactly the sentence this student was referring to.

Our Identity in Christ

“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” Galatians 2:20

We can all think back to our teenage years and have many different experiences and memories. Some are good, and many are…awkward.


“While you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” -Acts 4:30

Pray for miracles.

Ever since I was little, the Bible stories with miracles fascinated me. I still remember my Beginners Bible with colorful illustrations that allowed me to picture these stories in my head. I remember Mom and Dad reading the stories to me each night before bed, and me always wondering, “How does He do those things?” 

Summer Relaxation

Exodus 33:14 The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

It’s a Friday morning. After a restful eight hours of sleep last night, I’ve had a relaxing morning reading some scripture, sipping coffee, and going through my last box of books for my classroom next year. I’ve had 23 days of summer break and it has been so enjoyable. I didn’t realize how tired I had become after my first year of teaching until the first week of vacation. I was exhausted, but could not have asked for a better, more rewarding year.

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