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Christine Goodsell’s blog


My newest blogging buddy of 2021

Thinking back over the last couple of years, I feel that 2021 was a tougher year for us than was 2020. While in some ways 2020 felt isolating, we didn’t let the world circumstances dictate how we spent our time, chose our attitudes, or found things to be grateful for. I’m a firm believer that keeping the proper perspective can successfully get you through anything, no matter how difficult, and ultimately, God’s faithfulness never changes. Maybe our 2020 didn’t feel as isolating because many of our circumstances, even if difficult, paralleled what many of our family, friends, and much of society was facing at the time. Many of us had our schools shut down, many had our job hours and location change, many of us had more time at home, many of us were trying to figure out what to do with our kids when even playgrounds were closed. There was a certain feel of “togetherness” that became stronger during that year. Maybe it didn’t feel as isolating because January 2020 kicked off another pregnancy for us, so a precious human was growing inside of me for majority of the year. As physically tiring many days were, there was still the excitement of a new life. Even behind a mask, I was still able to talk to, learn from, and interact with doctors and nurses, some of my favorite individuals. In September of 2020, our handsome second son was born—another miracle! The newborn stage was still a bit lonely, but that was ok. We had a lot of time to spend as a family and growing in our relationships with each other and with the Lord.

It’s hard to believe that 2021 is almost to a close—and while it has been another awesome year of life, of God’s love and mercies, and of great new memories made, what a strange, and somewhat confusing year it has been too.

Not always a rock party, but He is our Rock

“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” -Psalm 18:2

October 7th is a day I’ll never forget. I woke up from my 8th kidney stone surgery to being told that a total of 45 stones had been removed off my kidneys between this procedure and the one a week prior. The surgeries were successful, however this was not the end. I had hoped it would be.

October 7th was the day I was diagnosed with a kidney disease. It was a hard day for our family, but we were thankful to have my family and friends right by our side that day. It’s a rare disease that literally produces more and more kidney stones over time, and gradually lessens the kidney’s overall function over time. We had prayed for answers for years, and here it was. Of all the news I thought I’d hear, I never expected that. Something unpreventable, possibly genetic, and something untreatable.

8 Year Date-A-Versary

This wasn’t from our first date, but is still one of my favorites around Christmastime.

November 20, 2013 was the first time I hung out with “the guy from work.” We watched Elf and he brought me peanut butter M&Ms. I had no idea he would be my future husband, but I knew he was nice, a good listener, wise, and he loved the Lord. He thought my jokes were funny and he was a huge fan of Christmas (and all my lights, decorations, and Christmas headbands at the time).

We laugh now at the number of friends and family who asked, “Isn’t he more than a friend, Christine?” “Nope. Nice guy as a friend, and he can bring all the peanut butter M&Ms in the world, but he’s not getting near me!” (My naive response at the time).

Noteworthy, beautiful moments

Dear little son—today was a special day. Do you know why? It was completely unplanned. There were moments that just happened at the perfect time. They involved you and they involved music, and few things could be better. 

Our NICU to home day

No one tells you how hard the emotions hit when you have kids. Or how intense they are on all the milestone days, other than birthdays. I’ll never forget our five days in the NICU, our doctors, nurses, and hearing, “Your 5 lb baby is the strongest one here now. You’re going home today.” 

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