Category: Christine’s Blog Page 9 of 15

Christine Goodsell’s blog

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Rylosaur! We love you so much. I’ll never be able to put into words how much joy you brought to us not only two years ago when you were born, but also these last two years. Every day is an adventure with you, and your smile is the most contagious thing I’ve ever experienced.

Dear Grandma

As I sit here tonight, I don’t know where to begin writing. It was a week ago that I said my last words to you. You mumbled something faint as I told you that I loved you. It was less than a day later that as I watched the sunset, you left this earth. As I looked into that sunset, I felt my heart shatter. It was the deepest loss I had experienced at that point in my life. As I closed my eyes, God gave a moment of indescribable peace. You weren’t in pain anymore. You left peacefully, as we had prayed, and were now with Grandpa again.

March 2020

“Be still and know that I am God…” -Psalm 46:10

March—what a strange month it has been for us all. I remember January and February flying by for me. I wasn’t sure how March, April, and May could get any faster, but I figured they would because spring always flew by. Little did I know that March 2020 would be the strangest change of pace I had ever experienced.


Rise—I’ve been pondering this word today. I wasn’t quite sure where to begin with writing, but my thoughts began with the pretty sunrise over the cold snow this morning. Sometimes the most powerful concepts are difficult to put into actual words, but I will attempt tonight.

Rise is powerful. It is a word of hope for me. Jesus predicted his own death, telling his disciples that he would rise on the third day. I can’t imagine the emotions his followers must have felt if they truly understood what this meant!


I cannot remember the last time I read an entire book in a day. Today for the first time, I read Wonder. I knew the story’s premise, had always intended to read it, but hadn’t gotten around to it until this morning.

Then I saw today’s writing challenge word: brave. What a coincidence! Bravery is a major theme in this story of a fifth grade boy who has extreme challenges that he faces physically and emotionally. He steps out of his comfort zone, goes against what those around him says is “ok”, and shows kindness to those who are unkind to him.

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