I cannot remember the last time I read an entire book in a day. Today for the first time, I read Wonder. I knew the story’s premise, had always intended to read it, but hadn’t gotten around to it until this morning.
Then I saw today’s writing challenge word: brave. What a coincidence! Bravery is a major theme in this story of a fifth grade boy who has extreme challenges that he faces physically and emotionally. He steps out of his comfort zone, goes against what those around him says is “ok”, and shows kindness to those who are unkind to him.
“Greatness lies, not in being strong, but in the right using of strength; and strength is not used rightly when it serves only to carry a man above his fellows for his own solitary glory. He is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts by the attraction of his own.” -Henry Ward Beecher
This quote was used to describe August, the extraordinary boy in the story at his school’s graduation.
Beecher’s quote very accurately describes a good friend of mine also, who lost a tough battle to cancer back in September. She was brave through many difficult times. Even though her circumstances were hard to endure, she made an effort to encourage others, including me. She was wonderful!
A verse she reminded me of several times over the years came from Deuteronomy 31:6. “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”
God wants us to be courageous in the toughest situations. He wants us to remember that He is our strength, and that nothing is possible without Him.
@hopewriter challenge / Day 6: BRAVE #hopewriterlife