Category: Christine’s Blog Page 3 of 15

Christine Goodsell’s blog

Happy birthday, little boy! 1095 days

Dear little boy,

Happy 3rd birthday. As I think about how miraculous your life is, I can do nothing but smile. From the very beginning of your life that I knew of at 5 weeks, you and I have been on a crazy adventure. I love being your mom.

Happy birthday, little boy! 1826 days

Dear little boy,

This week I’m overwhelmed with emotion as I think about your life. I never could have imagined you even 6 years ago; at that time, you were a dream I had laid to rest, and an area of life I had given over to God years prior. Here we are, almost 5 years later.

Happy birthday, baby boy! 365 days

Dear baby boy,

A year ago today you came into the world! While in ways it feels like yesterday, we have had 365 days with you and have made many wonderful memories. Your laugh and smile are contagious, you are happy, and you have an easy-going, fun personality already.

MRI’s, weights, and helicopter seeds

“Sometimes you don’t realize the weight of something you’ve been carrying until you feel the weight of its release.” -Unknown

September 13, 2022 was the due date for our youngest baby boy. Little did we know that on that day, I would be taking him to the hospital for a spine ultrasound, and he would be just over 2 weeks old. I remember how delicate my little 6 lb baby boy was at that time. He was so tiny in that huge bed at Children’s Hospital.

In November our baby had a follow-up ultrasound. Because the ultrasound still showed what appeared to be a small mass at the base of his spinal cord as well as some fluid on his kidneys, an MRI would be needed after a few more months. Of course I cringed at anything kidney related with my children because of my own diagnosis. As much as we wanted some answers now, our doctor told us we needed to wait and watch his development. We continued to pray.

Words, reminders, and lessons on a run

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” Psalm 32:8

It was March of 2023, and I attempted walking and slow jogging again. We had recently purchased a treadmill, and I was recovering from both a foot injury and car accident injury. I was almost 7 months postpartum after baby #3 and my body was feeling really worn down. Seeing 1 mile on the treadmill with a time of 20:04 was an accomplishment. It was definitely a perspective shift from over a decade ago in college. That 20-23 minute range was my typical time for a 5K—a 3.1 mile race that I competed in all throughout college cross country. Now, years later, it was close to my time for a single mile. I remembered how tough I was on myself as an athlete—a 7-8 min mile for 3.1 mile was “just ok” back then. 

If you’ve read my blogs that date back to early college, (or if you’re really a long-time friend, read my final composition for the Burke Beat newspaper staff as an athlete) you’ll know that ever since I was a young girl, God has used running, training, and competing as a way to teach me many important life lessons. Running clears my mind and heart and seems to open an additional pathway of communication between the Lord and me. That day in March, God gently reminded me that even 1 mile was good. That it was beneficial for my body, and it was really a blessing that I could do that after the last couple of months. I was thankful. 

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